Glen of Imaal Terrier Enthusiasts & Fanciers Club

Puppy Power

When you arrive on the premises, you should feel that you are welcome and that the Breeder is willing to spend time with you; is happy to discuss any aspects of the puppies and adult dogs and their various activities i.e. showing the breed, Obedience Competitions, etc. The Breeder should also let you know about their experience with Glens and the length of time they have been breeding.
Most will question you on your reasons for taking on a new Glen, and will require to know the make-up and ages of the family it will live with, your life style, your work routines (it would help if you take with you photographs of where you live and any previous animals you have kept). If possible, it is advisable to bring your children with you and make sure that they will be able to accept the new member of the family.
You should have an appointment to visit and stick to the time set, and feel comfortable with all aspects of you visit. Times are essential when Breeders have to see other potential puppy owners, who may have travelled long distances.
Glens are a very hardy Breed and do not necessarily have to be bred indoors. Suitable whelping areas and outside kennels are appropriate for this Breed.
The puppies, dam, and any other animals at the premises should be clean, appear happy, contented and well cared for.
Their living conditions should be kept tidy, smell clean and be kept free from rubbish and excrement.
The animals should have plenty of light and fresh air with outdoor kennels providing warmth and protection from the weather, with plenty of room for play and development.
You should expect to be able to see the dam of the litter (but not always with the puppies), but not always the sire. Sires from other Breeders are often used, but you should be able to see a photograph of them.
Depending on distance, you should be able to visit the puppies several times before arranging the exact date your one will be ready to leave home.
A good Breeder will breed a litter because they have a genuine love of the breed and wish to produce as sound, healthy and typical Glenas they can, in order to provide their next dog to continue their line. They realise that they depend upon people wishing to provide the best possible homes for their puppies and will maintain an interest in the dog's progress throughout its life.
So you have decided that a Glen is the Breed for you - after doing plenty of research and speaking to owners and Breeders about them and doing THE GLEN OF IMAAL QUIZ
It is a good idea to see as many adult Glens as possible, and ask the owners for all information, so as you can get a “warts and all” overview
It is worthwhile visiting several Breed specialty kennels before you make a decision as to who to purchase your puppy from. Please do not just choose the nearest Breeder to you, hopefully you will have your puppy for a long time and it will deserve the time and patience in selecting the right Breeder from wherever in the country.
If you see puppies in conditions where you feel sorry for them – please do not buy them, however please report your findings to the local authority environmental department and a Breed Club Secretary. In taking them away from the environment you will be perpetuating the actions of that Breeder.
By contacting a recommended responsible Breeder you would have the expectation that they will conform to the following:-
1. Register all Breeding stock and all puppies at the Kennel Club & conform to (at least) the Code of Ethics.
2. Hand over the puppy's Kennel Club Registration certificate at the time of sale (or when available). Also any micro chipping or tattoo certification.
3. Fully explain any Endorsements on the Registration Form that pertains to the Sale.
4. Provide you with reasonable post-sales telephone advice.
5. Provide in the Puppy Sales Wallet a Contract of Sale to be signed by both the Buyer and the Seller.
6. You should also receive a Pedigree Certificate signed by the Breeder.
In the Puppy Sales Wallet, you should be provided with written advice for your puppy on: Feeding and worming programs, Immunization measures taken (and/or to be taken), Socialization, exercise, future training, grooming requirements and equipment, leads, brushes, combs and feeding bowls etc.
If the Breeder is a Kennel Club Assured Breeder the following should be expected: